From an idea to a global success. What are the first steps?

Julia, a novice entrepreneur with no e‑commerce experience, approached the marketing agency with the hope of identifying products that could become bestsellers. Thanks to a partnership focused on selling ecological textiles through Amazon’s platform, she managed to achieve success in a short time – one of her products became a bestseller, enabling further expansion into European markets.

Less than a year ago, a young, friendly woman approached our agency. For the purposes of this article, let’s call her Julia. Julia asked: ‘Are you able to identify products which have the chance to become bestsellers?’. Although this question appears to be a classic in the world of marketing agencies, Julia hadn’t had anything but the desire to take action. She didn’t even have an idea for a brand or type of product. She had no knowledge on e‑commerce sales, nor did she have a significant enough budget that would’ve allowed her for an easy start.

For the last 15 years, I have had the pleasure of accompanying over 80 companies on their journeys towards development, especially in Western markets. Among my clients one may find large well‐known brands and government institutions. Today, however, I’d like to share the story of Julia, who decided to fight for her dream. I hope her example will serve as a source of inspiration for all those who are considering creating their own brand.

We, therefore, began our cooperation right from the ground up. Concentrating on Amazon as our primary sales platform was our first step. We have decided to begin with the German market. This choice was not a shot in the dark, but rather a well thought through decision, as Amazon is the leading platform of e‑commerce in Europe.

Analysis of the German market revealed a great demand for eco‐friendly and sustainable products. This was a lead we had decided to follow. Keeping budget and logistical constraints in mind, we opted for lightweight, versatile textiles made for home use named “Made in Poland”.

After deciding on a specific range of products to introduce on the market, we had established contact with Polish manufacturers. While in the process of choosing colours, patterns, and sizes, we were being led by our Amazon bestseller analysis curated over the last 12 months.

Identifying the target demographic, developing the pricing strategy, and establishing a brand — all these endeavours were of equal importance. We designed a one‐of‐a‐kind brand presentation which resonated with Julia’s values and addressed the needs of German consumers seeking eco‐friendly alternatives.

What remained was to start carrying out our favourite tasks on Amazon: designing a distinctive brand showcase, positioning the products, and creating a “captivating” and unconventional ad campaign.

Soon after, sales began on The results exceeded our wildest expectations — the entire batch sold out within the first month. It was 800 units — our initial, limited budget only allowed such manufacturing capabilities, however, the revenue from the first month permitted Julia to place an order for the production of additional goods. After three months, one of our products became a bestseller in its category, and this success became a strong foundation for our expansion into other Amazon markets in Europe. Month after month, we were opening sales in new countries, starting from the Netherlands, through France, all the way to Italy and Spain.

While I am convinced that there are more bestsellers ahead for Julia’s brand, which has already gained recognition on Amazon, I would like to emphasize that our success is the result of many hours of hard work, and the journey has not been without its challenges. However, the benefits and the satisfaction achieved together allow us to forget about the hardships met along the way.

Finally, I cannot gloss over the fact that our professional collaboration with Julia blossomed into a sincere friendship. Together we overcome business obstacles, rejoice at every success, and impatiently look forward to more. Quoting Helen Keller, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing”, and so, full of fervour and passion for what we do, we are ready to face new and upcoming challenges.