How to effectively optimise your advertising budget in Amazon PPC Campaigns?

Amazon PPC Campaigns (pay‐per‐click) are an incredibly effective tool that helps sellers increase the visibility of their products and boost their sales. However, it is important to remember that without proper budget optimisation, burning through one’s money is inevitable and will, unfortunately, lead to undesirable consequences. Proper budget management requires meticulous expense planning, as well as continuous monitoring of campaign performance and adjusting strategies on the go. So, how can a person wisely manage their budget to ensure their campaigns are both visible and, most importantly, profitable? Here are some tried‐and‐true tips to help you harness the full potential of Amazon PPC Campaigns.

Set campaign priorities

Not all products or keywords deserve the same budget allocation. To optimise your spending, it is essential for your priorities to be set based on performance data. Focus your resources on campaigns and products that generate the highest return on investment. The marketing metric ROAS can help you determine how much profit the company earns relative to the amount spent on advertising. It is also important to monitor ACoS, a key metric for measuring the efficiency of your Amazon advertising campaigns. It shows the ratio of advertising cost to revenue generated. Additionally, regularly analyse keyword performance to find and zero in on the ones with the highest performance. Ask yourself what kind of budget you are willing to allocate to a particular campaign, and whether profit justifies the cost. Investing in the most profitable campaigns will allow you to maximise your earnings, while reducing your losses.

Make use of automatic and manual campaigns

Managing Amazon PPC campaigns can be made easy by utilising a combination of automatic and manual campaigns. Automatic campaigns are an excellent tool for founding out new, potentially effective keywords that can enhance the visibility of your products. PLASO offers such a service with our proprietary program which allows for optimal budget utilisation, precise ad analysis, and thorough process optimisation. On the other end of the spectrum are manual campaigns, which allow for precise budget control and CPC bidding for keywords that have already proven effective. The choice between automatic and manual campaigns largely depends on the product, its popularity and sales potential, and the observed success of individual keywords. However, a balanced approach provides the best control over expenses and the most effective campaign results optimisation.

Monitor and adjust CPC bids

[Cost per Click (CPC)(] is a key metric to keep an eye on, as the moment the user clicks on an ad or a link and is directed to the advertiser’s website is the moment the advertiser is charged. Regular tracking and adjusting of CPC bids is essential for effective ad budget management. If a keyword is not performing as expected, consider reducing its bid. Conversely, if certain keywords generate a lot of traffic and boost sales, increasing the budget could help you fully capitalise on this opportunity. This approach will enhance the flexibility and effectiveness of your campaigns.

Experiment with different daily budgets

Advertisement budget optimisation is a process that requires constant experimentation with various strategies to achieve the best results. By trying out different daily budgets, you can determine the ideal amount that will provide the right level of impressions and clicks while preventing excessive spending. This process is similar to cooking – sometimes you need to try several recipes and combinations of herbs and spices to find the perfect blend. Hence, consistent testing and result analyses will help you fine‐tune your budget strategy and attain the best results.

Analyse data in real‐time

Real‐time data analysis is one of the most important elements of effective PPC campaign management. Reports available on Amazon allow for constant result monitoring and quick responses to any changes. This way you can adjust your campaigns to current market conditions on the fly, minimising the risk of suboptimal expenses. Think of it as driving a car – it better to respond in the moment than to wait for something to go wrong.


Effective advertisement budget optimisation on Amazon requires patience, systematic testing and methodical results monitoring. A well‐planned strategy, based on data analysis, and a flexible approach to budget management will allow you to make use of every last penny, and will, consequently, result in improved PPC campaign performance. Keep in mind that optimisation is a continuous process – only through constant refinement of your strategies can you achieve lasting success in the world of Amazon advertising.