Fee overview

Status: March 2023

  • 1. The monthly subscription

    The monthly subscription for a professional Amazon account is €39 net. It is also possible to set up a basic (single seller) account, which does not incur a monthly fee but instead costs €0.99 for each product sold. This option is aimed at retailers who have extremely low sales. Plaso does not recommend the "Individual" version as the possibilities of this account are limited, e.g. there is no access to statistics and no possibility to upload products using the flat file tables.
  • 2. Commission per order

    In most categories, the commission is 15% of the gross sales price. Link to all categories: here
  • 3. Fees for the Amazon Fulfillment program

    Fees for the Amazon Fulfillment program include use of warehousing, packing, and shipping services from Amazon warehouses to customers. Link to the calculator: here
  • 4. Advertising costs

    We adapt the type of advertising individually to your product portfolio and discuss the strategy and the associated costs. Most clients choose to start with a budget of €10 per day for each of their active Merchant accounts.
  • 5. Other costs

    Legal and tax services are among the other costs associated with setting up and maintaining a seller account on Amazon. These arise, for example, when creating the imprint, VAT returns and invoices in your own and other countries.

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